
Safe Weight Loss Per Week - How Much Can I Lose in a Week Safely?

Well, that figure tends to depend on the individual that you're asking. If you're talking to the Biggest Loser trainers they might say the more the merrier. Heck, those Biggest Loser folks lose up to 20+ pounds in one week! On the other hand, most realistic weight loss programs aim for a target of much less. So, who is right?

How much weight can you safely lose each week?

Barring television weight loss competition programs, the typical healthy diet is designed to cause the dieter about a 1% - 1.5% reduction in weight loss per week. So just how much is this? Well, let's use a 300 pound man as an example. I'm using 300 pounds because it's a nice round number and it's large enough to demonstrate the varying weight loss poundage's as the bodyweight changes. Okay, so...

For a 300 pound man, a 1% loss will equal about 3 pounds lost on the first week, and about 2.97 pounds lost on the second week. It's a moving target that averages about 1 pound loss for every 100 pounds bodyweight. I know, some of you are thinking that this is small potatoes. Well, a 1% loss per week s about 35 pounds for a 300 pound man over the course of 1 year. A 1.5% loss per week is about 50 pounds off a 300 pound man in 1 year. It's not TV numbers, but it's more realistic and according to many much safer.
Also, one of the major benefits of losing weight more slowly is that it doesn't require following an impossible diet. Think about it, to lose 1 - 1.5 % only takes some slight modification to your diet, which means you will likely keep up with the diet without dealing with starvation or temptation. It also gives your body adequate time to adjust to the new weight loss.

The skin, for example, doesn't always respond to very quick weight loss, and depending on the amount lost, you could be dealing with some skin sag. Have you ever wondered why the shirts go on after about the 4th week on Biggest Loser? More than likely, the skin is screaming "hold up, I can't keep up with you!"
Of course, none of the above is medical weight loss facts, it's just the information one dieter has learned over the lifetime of battling weight issues. History and experience has shown me that the slowly but surely weight loss crowd typically do better than the fast and super fast folks.

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