
The Seven Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss and Whole Body Wellness: A Recipe for Success!

1. Eat to Live vs. Living to Eat!

Sustaining and maximizing life or merely pleasing the tongue?
If you always eat like a king you'll always die like a king- obesity, cancer, heart disease, diabetes...Muffins and cakes, butter and steaks, ice cream, cookies, candy and everything dandy, until you get the hospital bill from any number of diet induced, chronic diseases. Delicacies should not become the staple. We must stop digging our own grave with a knife and fork.

2. Breakfast is everything!

Success is in the daily discipline. Eat like a king in the morning, a queen at lunch and a peasant at dinner. In regards to metabolism: to stoke the fire you add logs to get it roaring! A Big Breakfast packed with carbs and protein, then the rest of day filled with low carb, low calorie choices works. It controls appetite and satisfies cravings for sweets and starches.
You say, "I'm not hungry in the morning", because you ate a big carbo dinner the night before, finished off with a big bowl of ice cream for dessert. Try going to bed hungry to break the cycle and awaken hungry to consume a large healthy breakfast to fuel the day. That's how you can eat like an elephant but look like a gazelle!

3. Don't become a hyper-secreter!

If you're serious about wanting an extreme body makeover and challenged with a health problem, then eliminate sugar and grains from your diet. Get off the insulin roller coaster of constant hyper-secretion of insulin which creates insulin insensitivity or resistance, fat storage instead of fat burning with inflammation and chronic disease. High insulin increases rapid aging, suppresses growth hormone which limits muscle development and promotes fat deposition. Insulin resistance is the basis for all chronic disease of aging!

4. The Liver of Life.

To have a liver of life you must have a healthy liver. This is essential to remove toxins from the body and burn stored body fat as fuel. Your liver is the chief fat burning organ of the body and only a healthy liver can convert stored fat into usable fat as fuel. A Toxic body will over load the liver and if it cannot keep up with the detox demand then the body will make more fat cells to store the excess toxic waste. You must feed the liver with Red (tomatoes, beets, peppers, cherries, strawberries, and watermelon), green (broccoli, green beans, chard, romaine, kiwi, parsley, spinach, celery and spinach, cilantro), yellow (carrots, peaches, oranges, corn) and white (cauliflower, jicama, green apples, garlic and onions) colored vegetables that your liver needs. The life blood of the plant: Chlorophyll (the great chelator) and abundant in raw vegetable juice, binds to toxins and pulls them out of your body. As I always say; "when you're green inside, you're clean inside!" Remember Daniel and his friends-See book of Daniel Ch.1:12-15

5. Motion is life- life is motion!

If you don't use it, you lose it! Get off the bleachers and into the game and start exercising. Interval training combined with weight training is best to retrain and supercharge your metabolism. Interval or burst training can burn more calories in a shorter time and may help the body burn more fat and even boost metabolism for some period after the workout ends. Regular exercise helps fight off colds and flu, reduce the risk of certain cancers and chronic diseases, and slows the aging process. "It's better to wear out then to rust out!" Jack La Lanne.

6. Are you a Pinto or a Ferrari?

Regular oil and fuel filter changes increase the life and performance of your car. How much more valuable are you? Yearly detoxification of your liver, kidney and bowels will add years to your life. High nutrient and antioxidant viability that actually gets assimilated into your cells is everything.
Study from the A.J.of Clinical Nutrition. June 2007, showed that if one took 1000 I.U. of Vitamin D-3, they could reduce cancer incidence as much as 77% in four years. Wow!
Like quality fuel, superior supplementation with high value nutrition plus omega-3 fish oil and a green super-food are highly recommended for high performance living. These give the 'biggest bang for the buck' nutritionally!
Remember, what you put in your body today is walking and talking tomorrow.

7. Structure Controls Function!

All your organs and parts, including your liver and your immune system, are controlled by the nervous system. A stiff distorted spine causes sympathetic nerve dysfunction and nerve irritation causing arterial spasm, arterial hardening, increased cardiovascular disease, accelerated body aging and untimely demise. You're only as old as your spine.

Posture and the "Arc of Life" (correct spinal curves) is essential for proper nerve supply to control your organs and parts including your metabolism-Get Adjusted for the health of it!

Remember, nutrition without proper nerve supply is like adding fertilizer without water- the plants still dies!
"Some people have near-death experiences, but most people have near-life experiences. Don't be like most-get adjusted! Remember, Extraordinary Health takes Extra-ordinary efforts!" Dr. David Melendez

Article Source:,_D.C.


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